
Concept And Classification Of Clothing Trademarks

Clothing trademark is actually a brand of clothing. It is a mark on garments produced by apparel production enterprises and distribution enterprises dedicated to their own garment production enterprises and distribution enterprises dedicated to their production of garments. Its forms include text trademarks, graphic trademarks, and combined trademarks combining text and graphics. Trademarks are also Lin Zhi's clothing quality, and manufacturing enterprises and businesses are responsible for the quality of clothing that uses trademarks. Therefore, manufacturers should apply for registration of their trademarks to the competent government agency (Trademark Office) and enjoy the exclusive right to use the trademarks within the legal period. Other producers and sellers shall not use or counterfeit without the permission of the trademark registrant, and offenders shall be held accountable for legal responsibility. Trademark rights are only protected by the law in the country or region where the trademark is registered, and are only valid within the legal protection period. The protection period is generally 10-15 years. China's trademark law stipulates 10 years.


Can generally be classified according to usage and raw materials used.

According to the purpose, it can be divided into underwear trademark and outerwear trademark.

The former requires thinness, smallness, and softness. It should use soft materials and be comfortable to wear. The latter is relatively large, thick, and quite, and can be used for printing trademarks of woven trademarks, textiles, or paper. If they are classified according to the raw materials used in the goods, they can be divided into trademarks printed with textiles, paper trademarks, woven trademarks, leather trademarks and metal trademarks.

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